Fox News Lays Off "Superfluous" Journalists
Following the extraordinary capture of ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the Fox News
Corporation has announced that it will be laying off the last of its investigative reporters, due to
the fact that they will no longer be needed.
"Saddam Hussein's capture was the one remaining piece of news that we really needed to have
people on the ground to cover," said Fox News spokesperson Jeanette Franklin. "With this last loose
end tied up, we are confident that we no longer need the expense or potential embarrassment of
trained journalists conducting independent research."
Fox News has had difficulty with its news correspondents in the past, earning notoriety in late
March of this year when Fox reporter Geraldo Rivera divulged tactical information on the air and was
expelled from Iraq by the military.
"See, people were always complaining that we aren't doing enough reporting from the field, and
when we actually did, we got in trouble for it," said Franklin. "Talk about double standards.
Clearly we are better off sticking to our original gameplan, which is to provide our side with the
most entertaining and best news coverage available."
According to the announcement, Fox will henceforth be basing its political news coverage
entirely on White House press releases. The news conglomerate will maintain its fleets of
helicopters to provide traffic reports and live footage of police chases in the Western United
"Well, this is actually more of a budgetary move," said Branson Price of the Society of
Professional Journalists. "The typical 22-minute Fox news broadcast already consists of 7 minutes
of sports, 5 minutes of entertainment news, 3 minutes of weather, 5 minutes of banter and
self-promotion, and 2 minutes of national coverage. Reporters are an expensive luxury in this
Decades ago television stations considered producing a news program a civic duty and willingly
paid to support reputable news programs regardless of their cash flow. However, Fox's announcement
raised few eyebrows in the industry; other cash-strapped networks are closely considering following
suit, although CNN has publicly stated that it will always be "the network with reporters."
Fox news fans seemed unfazed by the announcement.
"See, it doesn't matter if they get rid of those reporters, because of the essential brilliance
of the Fox news system," said Stanley Heffner, a patron located in a nearby drinking establishment
watching the Fox network. "They do the reporting, but they let us, the viewer, decide. It's the
most fair and balanced thing out there. And if I'm doing the deciding, why do I need some reporter
giving me a "professional" analysis of something?"
"At least this means they won't be putting Geraldo Rivera back on the air anytime soon," noted
Price. "That's gotta count for something."