'Tis the Season for my Nemesis, the Nutcracker
As December rears its frosty Head and the mornings become Crisp and Brisk, necessitating an
extra-thick Frock-Coat and a delightful variety of hot Toddies in the evening, the bowls in my
Office are filled with one of my Favorite seasonal Treats: the noble Nut.
In this respect, I am a Gourmand - walnuts, almonds, pecans, filbert, Brazil-nuts, and even
roasted Chestnuts are like miniature Treasure-chests piled High, each with its small golden Nugget
inside, waiting to be Unlocked. Ah, one of Life's small Pleasures.
But the Key, alas, is rather a seasonal Menace: the heirloom Watley Nut-Cracker. Grimly do I
open its weathered Box each year to Place it in its accustomed Place upon my Mantel. It stands a
silent wooden Sentry, in the usual Form - a redcoat Soldier wielding a chipped Saber, wide eyes
Staring above a bushy Beard. His gold-painted Buttons glint menacingly in the Firelight, his bared
Teeth breathe a mocking Reproach, as they have done for as many a Year as I can recall.
Why? For this silent holiday Sentry absolutely, positively will Not assist me in cracking a Nut.
The story is the Same, year after Year: I lift the Tail of his long red Coat, his jaws open Wide, a
Nut goes in... and Pops out again unscathed! In go the Walnuts: out they slide, onto the floor.
Almonds grind Pointlessly, filberts need not Apply - I gave up on the Brazil-nuts years ago, they
are Impenetrable as Fort Knox. And pecans? - this remarkable Soldier has the singular Habit of
spitting them Out like a small Gatling-Gun, clear across the Room. I nearly took Ephram's eye out
last year, poor devil. It is a good thing that he Slouches.
And so each year I end up giving up after a long Struggle, muttering into my Beard as I pound the
Nuts on my Desk with a handy Ink-bottle. I tip poor Elisabeth well as she dutifully helps the
scattered Shells and ink-stains Vanish from my Desk each year, until the season Passes and I can
place the Nuctracker back in its Box for another Year.
But what's this? - Elisabeth has left me a Can... a Can full of glorious Nuts free from their
Prisons! There they lie in a Heap, already Shelled and ready to Eat - I cannot believe my Eyes!
All my Favorites are there - and not a One needs the futile ministrations of that confounded
Nutcracker! What a marvel of the modern World this is, what fabulous Canning technology has been
laid Before me, under the proud Aegis of a monocle-sporting Peanut! Elisabeth, your holiday Bonus
shall surely be Doubled this year - I crunch Away in Glee!
Hmmph. Do you know, that Nutcracker does have rather a Festive air up there on the Mantelpiece
after all.